Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013

The Legend of Toba Lake

Once upon time, there was a handsome man. His name was Batara Guru Sahala. He liked fishing. One day, he caught a fish. He was surprised to find out that the fish could talk. The fish begged him to set it free. Batara Guru could not bear it. He made the fish free. As soon as it was free, the fish changed into a very beautiful woman. She attracted Batara Guru so much. He felt in love with that fish-woman. The woman wanted to marry with him and said that Batara Guru had to keep the secret which she had been a fish.

Batara Guru agreed and promised that he would never tell anybody about it. They were married happily. They had two daughters. One day Batara Guru got very angry with his daughter. He could not control his mad. He shouted angrily and got the word of fish to his daughters. The daughters were crying. They found their mother and talked her about it. The mother was very annoyed. Batara Guru broke his promise. The mother was shouting angrily. Then the earth began to shake. Volcanoes started to erupt. The earth formed a very big hole. People believed that the big hole became a lake. Then this lake is known as Toba lake.

Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013

Belajar Idioms : susah tapi BISA!!

Don’t stand in my way = jangan menghalangiku
Who do you think you are? = kamu pikir kamu siapa?
Don’t play smart with me = jangan sok pintar di depanku
Stealing eyes = caper
Don’t be so stubborn = jangan terlalu keras kepala
Can I se you tonight? = bisa ketemu nanti malam?
I’m on my way = aku dalam perjalanan
Is it date? = apakah ini kencan?
Why didn’t you call me back? = kenapa kamu tidak telpon balik?
Don’t argue with me = jangan berdebar denganku
I’ve got things to do = aku ada acara
Anything else = ada yang lain
I don’t see my name = namaku tidak ada
I’ve got no money = aku gag ada uang
I want to take my call phone = aku mau ngambil Hpku
For me it has no positive effect = bagiku ini tidak ada sisi positifnya
Don’t make up excuses = jangan bikin alasan
Do you understand what I’m saying? = kamu mengerti apa yang aku katakan?
It’s OK, if you want to use my bike = tidak apa-apa, jika kamu ingin memakai sepedaku
Get yourselves in your positions = atur posisi kalian
I’ve got no share = aku tidak kebagian
That news to me = aku baru tau
Can I invite my friend? = bolehkah saya membawa teman?
We have to go by the book = kita harus lakukan sesuai aturan
Have you made your decision = sudahkah kamu menganbil keputusan
You have to be able to manage your time = kamu harus bisa membagi waktu
Time to call it day = sudah waktuny pulang
Time to call it night = waktunya kamu menghentikan kegiatan ini
I don’t mind if I do = ya, saya mau
I’ll take you on a tour = aku bisa membawamu keliling
I’ll take you home = aku akan mengantarmu pulang
In that case, I can’t help you = kalau begitu, aku gag bisa bantu kamu
Why do you say so? = kenapa kamu bilang begitu?
I’m getting used do it = aku sudah mulai terbiasa
Talk is cheap = bicara itu mudah
Have at it = ayo kerjakan
Fill in the blanks = kamu dapat menyimpulkan sendiri
Do you mind? = anda menyinggung saya?
Do you mean to say something? = apakah anda mengatakan sesuatu?
Don’t work too hard = tidak usah bekerja terlalu keras
Don’t ask = jangan bertanya
Cut the comedy = hentikan kekonyolan
Could I leave a message? = bolehkah saya menitip pesan?
Could I give you a lift? = bolehkah saya membonceng anda?
Could I come in? = bolehkah saya masuk?
Trust me = percaya padaku
For as I know = sejauh yang saya tahu
I’m out from here = saya akan segera berangkat
I haven’t got all day = saya sedang tergesa-gesa
Tell me the news = ceritakanlah itu padaku
Get out of my face = pergilah dan jangan ganggu aku lagi
We had a lovely time = kt tlah menghabiskan byk wktu yg menyenangkan
Keep quiet about it = jangan beritahu siapa-siapa
It isn’t work it = hanya buang-buang waktu
In due time = pada waktunya nanti
In any case = bagaimanapun juga
Lets shake on it = mari kita tandai perjanjian dengan jabat tangan
It can’t be helped = memang harus terjadi begini
It’s very comportable hera = nyaman sekali disini
You haven’t changed a bit = kamu gag berubah sama sekali
I’ll see who’s coming = akan ku lihat siapa yang datang
A boy is here to see you = ada cowok nyari kamu
I’m sorry to keep you waiting = maaf sudah membuatmu menunggu
Why didn’t you answer my call? = kenapa kamu tidak menjawb telponku
Calm down it’s just a little problem = tentang ini Cuma masalah kecil
Where’s my towel? = dimana handuk ku?
Where’s did I put my towel? = dimana ku letakkan handukku
Your breath is stink = napasmu bau
My tooth brush is worn out = sikat gigiku rusak
I gotta take a both = aku harus mandi
Just plag it in = coloking aja kabelnya
Pull the plag = cabut kabelnya
I got something to do = aku ada kerjaan nich..
Is that right? = benarkah itu?
I promise you = saya jamin
What more can I do? = apa lagi yang dapat aku lakukan?
What make you thank so? = kenapa kamu berpikiran seperti itu?
What happened = apa yang tidak beres disini
What if I don’t? = kalau tida memang kenapa?
Keep in there = teruslah berusaha
Keep it in mind that = jangan lupa bahwa
Keep it up = pertahankan kerja yang baik ini
Keep out of my way = jangan halangi jalanku
Stay out of this = jangan ikut campur
Keep your opinions to yourself = aku gag mau denger pendapatmu
Keep yout shirt on = bersabarlah sebentar lagi
Nobody stays the same, right? = tak ada seorangpun yang tetap sama kan?
People change = semua orang pasti berubah
Some bad experiences straighten me up = kejadian buruk memaksaku utk memperbaiki diri
I’ve family to visit = aku mengunjungi keluargaku
I almost didn’t recogroze you = aku hampir tak mengenalimu
I really miss the good old days = aku sunggh merindukn masa llu yg menyenangkan
You never know what’s gonna happen = tak ada yang tau apa yang terjadi
Don’t tell me you broke up with him = jangan” kamu sudah putus sama dia
A lot of things happen, you know = banyak hal yang terjadi
What brings you to town? = ada urusan apa kamu datang kesini?
Still keeping up your style, huh? = masih selalu menjaga penampilan ya?
Wanna hang out sometime = kapan-kapan nongkrong yuk..
I’ve a lot of stories to tell = aku punya banyak cerita
You look gorgeous = kamu kelihatan cantik
Do you practice what you preak? = apa kamu melakukan apa yg kamu katakan?
You always wanna take things the easy way = kamu selalu ingin seenaknya sendiri
Think twice before you do that = pikir matang-matang sebelum melakukannya
Stop being such a baby = jangan manja
It’s not that easy = gag segampang itu
You leave me no other choice = kamu gag memberiku pilihan lain
It’s to early for me = ini terlalu pagi bagiku
I can hardly open my eyes = aku hampir gag bisa membuka mata
Let me go back to sleep = biarkan aku tidur lagi
I told you nor to stay up = kan udah ku bilang jangan begadang
Now, it’s cold in the morning = pagi ini dingin sekali
Why is there nobody wake me up = kenapa ndk ada yang bangunin aku
I need no excuses = aku gag butuh alasan
What you look at me for = ngapain liat-liat
How dare you say that = berani kamu ngomong seperti itu
Can you take a joke = gag bisakah kamu diajak bercanda
I didn’t mean to say that = aku gag bermaksud berkata begitu
You’ll be sorry for this = kamu akan menyesal karena tlah melakukan ini
You scared me to cloath = kamu membuatku takut setengah mati
Watch what you’re talking = hati-hati kalau bicara
Are you trying to pool me? = apa kamu mencoba menipuku?
He makes my heart beats fast = dia membuat jangtungku berdeguk kencang
Can I make an offer? = boleh saya tawar?
It cost a pretty peny = harganya mahal
She’s a real shopaholic = dia benar-benat gila belanja
Can I play it with plastic money = bolehkah saya bayar dengan kartu kredit
This one looks good on you = yang ini kelihatan cocok kamu pakai
This is too old fashioned = ini sudah ketinggalan zaman
Run round in small circless = sibuk mengerjakan hal yang tidak penting
She splits hour = dia berdebat tengtang hal yang tidak penting
She backs me into a corner = dia memojokkanku
Stop pretending me = berhentilah berpura-pura
Talk a sense = bicaralah yang masuk akal
Through the back door = lewat belakang
You keep to much prestige = kamu sok jual mahal
Out of the woods = terlepas dari bahannya
Pick and choose = memilig sesuatu dengan cermat
Please feel free = jangan sungkan-sungkan
Please take a hote = harap maklum
Please take a break = bersantailah sejenak
Keep up your courage = kamu harus tetap berani
Small but tub = kecil-kecil cabe rawit
Make me up OK = bangunin aku ya..
Take me up = anterin aku
I told you what = nah aku bilang apa